What is TikTok’s ‘April theory’ and does astrology support it?

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What is TikTok’s ‘April theory’ and does astrology support it?

Is April theory rooted in astrology? Read on to learn more.

As we march through the month of April and the tides of spring, a viral TikTok theory is sweeping the socials.

April theory maintains that during the fourth month of the year, seasonal depression lifts, life improves and people en masse begin to feel lighter, brighter, and markedly more merry.

Is April theory real?

Science proves that our thoughts become our reality so if April feels sweeping, wonderful, and alive with power for you, then so be it and so may you be.

This upswing stands in stark contrast to March theory which states that the in like a lion/out like a lamb month is one of endings, closed chapters, completed cycles, and rough reckonings.

Astrologically speaking, it tracks folks.

What is the link between astrology and April theory?

What is TikTok’s ‘April theory’ and does astrology support it?

Aries is represented by the primal surge of the color red.

While normies, muggles, and Gregorians observe January 1 as the start of the new year, ancient cultures and astrologers now and forever recognize the Spring Equinox and the onset of Aries season as the true beginning of a new year and a fresh cycle.

After the doom and gloom cometh the bloom and April/Aries season arrives with burning tires and a flame-paneled muscle car, “Thunderstruck” rolling out the windows with a dirty bouquet of tulips riding shotgun.

The season of the ram gives us a dose of fresh air, spiked adrenals, BDE, and the hot-blooded head-rush of possibility.

Aries season and the astro new year

What is TikTok’s ‘April theory’ and does astrology support it?

A visual representation of Aries season.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and the entrance of the sun into the realm of the ram signifies rebirth and personal revolution. The power color of Aries is arterial red, representing the vitality of life itself. Aries, like spring, is riotous energy, it all but bursts, bringing with it the baptismal fire of beginnings.

This April is particularly potent, between the life-shattering, opportunity-making energy of eclipse season, the turn your speech to soup’ and ‘heart to carpaccio vibes of Mercury retrograde, and the chaos on roids/freedom at the ready Jupiter Uranus conjunction on the 20th, April may feel more hellish than hopeful.

Yet, newness tends to follow a swift kick to the old guard, darkness before the dawn so to speak, and all of these transits are aiding and abetting our growth…by whatever means necessary.

文章来源:New York Post



What is TikTok’s ‘April theory’ and does astrology support it?


What is TikTok’s ‘April theory’ and does astrology support it?
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