Dog goes viral on TikTok for his emotional reaction to watching 'The Lion King'

TKFFF · 2024-05-22 14:25

Dog goes viral on TikTok for his emotional reaction to watching 'The Lion King'
Have you ever wondered what your pet was thinking? For Gabrielle Pelfrey, a resident of Dayton, Ohio, it's apparently easy to tell since her beagle, Winston, often shows his emotions. Pelfrey adopted Winston six years ago when he was eight weeks old. For as long as she could remember, the pup has always been her "sensitive little guy," she told Fox News Digital. 'LONELY' DAD, 86, GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK AFTER HIS DAUGHTER GIFTS HIM A POMERANIAN PUP Winston's sensitive side specifically comes out when he's watching certain movies. When Winston was a puppy, he was recovering from a sickness and Pelfrey would sit by his side with the TV on. That's when Pelfrey started to notice that Winston would engage with what was being shown on the screen, she said. CALIFORNIA WOMAN GOES VIRAL FOR 22-YEAR FRIENDSHIP WITH TORTOISE SHE RECEIVED FOR CHRISTMAS AS A CHILD The movie that truly sparked a reaction from the pup was Disney's 2019 live-action version of "The Lion King," and Pelfrey captured the humorous moment.
Winston the beagle, left, has gone viral after his owner posted a video on TikTok showing him getting emotionally invested while watching the movie, "The Lion King."
In the now-viral video, which garnered more than 7.5 million views on Pelfrey's page, @winston_thebeagle, Winston appears to grow sad during some of the heartbreaking scenes in the film. Winston was also captured barking at the movie's villain, to the point when Pelfrey had to hold him back from jumping at the screen. CALIFORNIA WOMAN TREATS PET PIG LIKE HER CHILD, GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK Social media users commented on the TikTok video, with some saying they can relate to Winston's response to the movie. "It’s the holding him back from attacking Scar for me," one user wrote, to which Pelfrey replied, "He was set on ripping the screen right off the wall." "We’ll never know just how aware our dogs are," another TikTok user commented. "Exactly how we watch the movie, too," said a comment posted from the Disney TikTok account. DOG IN FLORIDA BORN WITH LIME GREEN FUR AND NAMED 'SHAMROCK' GOES VIRAL For Pelfrey, Winston's fascination was very normal, but after posting videos on TikTok, she started to realize that not everyone's dogs did the same thing as her beagle. Pelfrey said she first told her dad about Winston's funny response to movies, and he did not believe her until he witnessed it himself. Since then, she has loved recording Winston's reactions and sharing them with her friends and family and now, on TikTok. "The Lion King" is not the only movie that appeals to Winston — he loves "101 "Dalmations," "Beethoven," "The Grinch," "Moana" and "Homeward Bound," Pelfrey said. "'Homeward Bound' is one of his favorites. He always loses it at the end … It seems like he gets more emotional, I guess, or has a bigger response if it is live action," she added. Pelfrey said that Winston also has the ability to pick up on her emotions and offers her comfort. "If I come home, and it's a bad day for work, he just curls up next to me," Pelfrey said. "He's just very intuitive. He's a special guy." Pelfrey said she is happy that Winston is able to spread joy to people just as he does for her and her husband. [ad]文章来源:FOX NEWS


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