After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast

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After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) flagged Joel Libed’s carry-on as he was headed back to Massachusetts. As they began carefully laying out 10 cans of SPAM, Libed began to worry.

“I just started panicking because I was like, ‘Wait, am I not supposed to have that? Is that OK,’” Libed told MassLive.

His instinct was to start recording as he nervously explained the various types of SPAM he was bringing on the flight. And after TSA sent him on his way, SPAM included, he uploaded the hilarious encounter on TikTok.

It has since been viewed more than 5 million times. Now, he hopes to use his newfound fame for make change.

“I have such a high love for SPAM, and so does everyone in Hawaii and on the West Coast. On the east coast, I’ve noticed it is not that similar kind of love. A lot of my friends and family out on this side, they’re like, ‘Ew, SPAM,’” the Worcester resident said. “What is nice about it is it can be prepared so many different ways, and it’s become like a cultural like phenomenon. I am reintroducing it to people who may have negative opinions and feelings about it.”

Libed has begun a series on his TikTok, including a fun jingle, where he’s trying some of the SPAM he got at the SPAM Museum while on his trip to Minnesota.

The unique SPAM options include the Hawaiian Collectors Edition, bacon and turkey. He originally only got a T-shirt and mug from a quick visit to the museum before a performance he was in in Austin, Minn. because he was worried about how he’d get the cans home. But after bonding with a woman helping with costumes, she gifted him the SPAM variety pack.

“It was the sweetest gesture. So, I obviously took the case, and I’m like, ‘I will figure this out,’” he recalled.

The SPAM cans traveled with the group for weeks before finally making their fateful journey to Worcester with Libed — something him, his performance group and millions of others are now laughing about.

“I couldn’t stop laughing, because one, I was a little embarrassed that I knew [TSA] was about to open up this bag and see all this stuff. But two, even though I had nothing illegal or wrong, I just felt like it looked really suspicious,” he said. “So, I’m trying to make it like really lighthearted, because I was like, ‘Oh, I have nothing to hide. It’s just SPAM.’”

After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast

The singer considers himself lucky for the gift because unique flavors of SPAM are hard to find on the East Coast. He’s found some different types of flavors at Central Massachusetts Walmarts but it’s not as easy as finding them in Hawaii.

“The SPAM options are limited out here,” he said. “… So, to bring all that SPAM home with me, that was a big deal,” later adding that he has also driven back from Pennsylvania with cases of unique SPAM.

He hopes that if more people find his videos and start trying SPAM, it’ll increase the ability to find it on the East Coast. One of his videos showcases SPAM fries, while another shows how to make SPAM musubi.

“Everyone’s like, ‘This is amazing.’ And I’m like, ‘See, you can’t just, like, open the can and spoon it out and eat it.’ I would never do that. That’s disgusting,” he said.

After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast

Libed compares it to hot dogs: Most people cook them before eating. SPAM should be the same.

Welly’s Restaurant, with locations in Marlborough and Hudson, where Libed has worked for the past 10 years while in between performances, is also helping people jump on the SPAM train.

The restaurant is offering a special in July based around SPAM. Libed describes the special as a burger with grilled pineapple, bacon, lettuce, tomato, teriyaki aioli and a slice of grilled SPAM. Although they’re still testing it out before it’s offered in July.

The burger was created by Libed — and it’s not the first time he’s helped create a menu item. There has also been Joel’s Coconut Margarita and Joel’s Aloha Burger in the past.

He’s felt a great sense of support from all of his new social media followers. But he’s especially grateful to the small business that has had his back for the past 10 years — and is willing to try things based on his love of SPAM.

After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast
After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast



After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast


After viral TikTok, Mass. man hopes to bring SPAM love to East Coast
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